Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy crab! I’m being haunted.

Tomorrow is Ween’s birthday and I’m cooking her a birthday dinner filled with all her favourite things. OK, so maybe not all of them, but hopefully a few. I can’t reveal anything here until after tomorrow’s dinner, coz Ween will be reading, but I am looking forward to it! Tonight however, was a night of cake baking, so dinner had to be quick.

Delicious Crab Crostini

This was the last recipe in the crab chapter and I can’t say I’m too sad to see the back them. Look, I do love a fresh mud crab, cooked in the wok with salt and pepper, sucking out the meat, the juices running down your arms. But you know I haven’t had the best of luck with whole crustaceans during my experiment, so I avoided the whole crab thing and just went with the crab meat from Woollies. Which is fine when it’s cooked in a curry, but it’s very crabby when it’s a crostini. Check the alliteration!

I mixed the crab meat with chilli, parsley, lemon juice, olive oil and S&P. I made some aioli and toasted a bread roll. Crab crostini with aioli served.

It was actually really nice, but very crabby or fishy, you might say. And about the haunting, let’s just go with the fact that I’ve already brushed my teeth three times tonight. Gross, I know. I’m the one living with it.


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