Monday, March 29, 2010

Long & Lean. Supermodel? With claws?

Just when I thought I’d finished all the crab dishes, I find a sneaky claw poking out of the dry pasta chapter. Gave me quite a fright.

Lovely Crab Linguine

Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water… I’ve done paté, crostini and curry, but this crabby number really packed a pinch (sorry, couldn’t help it!).

In a heat proof bowl I mixed some crushed fennel seeds, a finely chopped chilli, zest and juice from half a lemon, a very finely sliced fennel bulb, crab meat, olive oil and S&P. Then I sat the bowl over a saucepan of salted water, on the stove to boil. Keeping an eye on the crab mixture and the water, I finely shaved half a bunch of asparagus (using one of my favourite kitchen tools – my prized Zyliss veggie peeler), then squeezed over some more lemon juice and a drizzle of oil. Once the water came to the boil, I removed the bowl from on top and added the pasta to the water. With the cooked and drained pasta, I stirred through the crab mixture and the asparagus shavings and sprinkled with some more chopped chilli.

So, you remember the Summertime pasta, from many months ago, that nearly stopped my heart with all the oil and cheese and severe lack of Summery-ness? Well, tonight’s dish is the real taste of Summer. It should be called Lovely Summertime Crab Linguine. Perhaps this was more like an Aussie summer and the creamy one more like a British Summer…? The lovely crab was by far a fresher, tangier, crisper, skinnier model of any other Summer I’ve met with Jamie so far.


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