Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eggsellent fast food.

On Friday night I farewelled a follower. Well actually, she’s not officially following the experiment (even after repeated sessions of begging - rude!), but has been a reader from the start and I can only hope that the lovely Yae will continue to be a reader once she arrives in London for her big European adventure.

After a few farewell drinks after work, I wasn’t exactly in the mood for a big cook-up, so I went for a quick option in the salad chapter.

Return of the Egg Salad

The thing is, I don’t really like eggs. Don’t get me wrong, a fried or scrambled egg on a Sunday morning is lovely, but that’s because they’re hot. The moment a cooked egg drops below hot in the temperature stakes, I’m out. Egg sandwiches? You could not pay me to eat them. Egg salad? It’s not exactly up there. But if it’s in the book…

However, I could control the temp of the eggs when I turned them into Jamie’s egg salad, so my speedy late night dinner was not too rotten (get it?!).

I boiled the eggs aiming for soft in the middle. Cooked, peeled and cut in half. Success – the eggs were just the right amount of runny. And still hot when served up with toast and ham.

I’ve never been one of those people who eats breakfast cereal for dinner, but maybe Jamie’s egg salad can be my breakfast-for-dinner of choice.


PS – I’ve done 101 recipes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm reading, I'm reading!!! Love it!