Friday, November 13, 2009

Would you like some crab with your butter?

I’m having a bit of a get together with friends this weekend, but not the three-course-feast style get together, more of a drinks-and-canapés do. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to find anything suitably nibble-ish in Jamie, but I came across a few that fit the bill.

Old-Fashioned Potted Crab

When I read through this recipe, Jamie suggested that it be served in individual pots, to serve 4 to 6 people. I measured my pudding pots against the measurements Jamie had given and found they matched, then realised that 4 to 6 of those, would be a hell of a lot of potted crab (or crab paté as I’ve been calling it) to serve as part of antipasto platter. So I halved the recipe.

Then, when I was at Woollies doing the shop and holding the crab meat, I was thinking this doesn’t seem like much crab… Then I thought that it’s probably all the other ingredients that bulk it up. It’ll be fine. I trust Jamie. No, really. I do. Really.

Well, what do I discover when I get home and start making the crab paté – the two main ingredients are crab meat (which there really wasn’t much of) and butter. Yep, that’s it. Well, that’s basically it – there’s some ground up fennel seeds, dried chilli and lemon zest too. All mixed in with the crab. And butter. Then into the pots. Oh no hang, the pot. Just one.

Yes friends and followers, Jamie lied. Even if I had made the full recipe, it was never going to fill 4 to 6 pots. Not. Ever.

So, on top of the crab and butter potted mixture, you spoon over some melted butter (yes yes, I know), sprinkle with chopped parsley and pop it in the fridge to set. Simple as that.

I’ll just have to ration it out to the party-goers. Or at the very least forgo my own sliver. I think I’m OK with that. Not sure that I’m too sad about missing out on crab & butter…


PS – I’ll let you know the verdict after the party.

PPS – I’m making brownies from Jamie tonight, for the sweeter-toothed attendees to enjoy.

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